Living Dao

Welcome to Living Dao
There is a pure existence in each and every one of us, ‘a true life’, which is deeply imbued with pure vitality and eternal light. This vitality carries us beyond all our suffering, problems, worries, fears, illnesses and beyond all darkness, and allows us to enter into absolute freedom and deep inner peace.
As an awakened person, Master Shangshi lives in his ‘true life’. From this true life he can touch us on a deep level of our hearts. Through these heart transmissions the true life in us can wake up again as well. The focus of all Master Shangshi’s seminars is to wake up this true life in the participants.
Master Shangshi is the lineage holder of an ancient Dzogchen lineage from Tibetan Buddhism, the Nyingma school, which goes back to the first living Dzogchen master Garab Dorje. After Master Shangshi’s enlightenment he received the task from his master, who lives in the mountains of the Tibetan part of Sichuan, to pass on this path of awakening without the costume of religion, naked and directly, to people like us in the West.
From this spirit of Dzogchen ‘Living Dao’ was born and brought to Germany by Master Shangshi in 2006. Through the three different gateways of body (Dao Natural Movements, NLT), language (mantras, tones) and heart (spirit, Anxi) Master Shangshi opens to us the ancient wisdom of his teachings, free of any religion, in a modern and simple way that is easy to implement in everyday life.
Master Shangshi teaches the secret method of the future Buddha Maitreya in a modern way, fitting to our time and independent of any religion.
Now that the right time has come, Master Shangshi has created from the essence of the ancient secret teaching of Dzogchen a system that can guide even an absolute beginner to awakening: 4 Second Enlightenment.
This method was already taught by Buddha to his disciple Maitreya, who is known as the Buddha of the future. However, 1600 years ago this teaching disappeared, Maitreya’s Sutra was considered lost ever since. Until now: just as the 4 Second Enlightenment had emerged from Master Shangshi’s awakened heart and he began to teach the method to his disciples, he rediscovered the ancient Sutra of future Buddha Maitreya, in which exactly the same method is described. This is a seal of Buddha on the 4 Second Enlightenment of Master Shangshi, who passes on the ancient teaching free from religion.
The method of 4 Second Enlightenment is absolutely unique and very contemporary, as we do not need to withdraw from our normal lives. It does not require hours of practice or long study. We do not even have to meditate. Easily, playfully and in only 4 seconds we allow ourselves to be touched by something perfect and great that goes far beyond us and is pure vitality, wisdom and pure light.
We experience our true nature directly and simply. For this method we only need one thing: a complete rethinking, an absolutely new view of life. A view of the world through Buddha’s eyes. This changes our view of ourselves, of all things and of the world. It changes our being and acting from the ground up …
The basic method of 4 Second Enlightenment is part of a three-level system that can lead even an untrained beginner to awakening. 4 Second Enlightenment is a modern Dzogchen lineage that goes back in its knowledge and wisdom to the first master Garab Dorje in a never-interrupted lineage, yet has a completely modern form and is taught by master Shangshi independently of religion.
Master Shangshi gives an introduction to the basic method of 4 Second Enlightenment in his new book (published in 2020) and in his online teaching (2nd half 2020).
Master Shangshi shares a TCM method for strengthening against the Corona Virus

Inner firewall-Document and videos in other languages:
(The documents are regularly updated!!!)
TCM Inner Firewall against Corona virus:
How to use the method – English pdf
TCM Innere Firewall gegen das Corona Virus:
Methode anwenden-Deutsch pdf
MTC Cortafuegos Interno contro el Coronavirus:
Cómo utilizar el método – Español pdf
Video con subtítulos en español
MTC “Pare-feu” naturel contre le coronavirus:
Comment utiliser la méthode – Français pdf
Vidéo en français
MTC Schermo interiore contro il virus Corona:
Come applicare il metode – Italiano pdf
Video con i sottotituli italiani
MTC Firewall Interna contra o Coronavírus:
Como utilizar o método – Português pdf
TCM Interne firewall tegen het Coronavirus:
Gebruiksaanwijzing voor de methode – Nederlands pdf
Εσωτερικό τείχος προστασίας από τον ιό Covid 19:
Χρηση της μεθοδου – greek pdf
TCM Wewnętrzna ochrona przeciwko koronawirusowi:
Jak korzystać z metody – Polski pdf
ТКМ Внутренняя защита от коронавируса:
Как использовать метод – в формате PDF русский
详细信息请阅读中文 pdf
نحوه استفاده از روشPersian
We deeply say thank you to all the translators and people who helped to make this possible.